Best Tall Shrubs for Privacy in Front of Your House

By Calin Oancea

4/8/20245 min read

Maintaining privacy in your yard, garden, and front of your house especially when you are in a place with a lot of people is very important.

That's why we will reveal 8 tall and high shrubs, bushes, and small trees that are perfect for stopping the eyeballs from looking in your beautiful garden or yard and maintaining privacy which have worked for our experts and other gardeners well.

green design
green design
green design
green design
a tall, bright green hedge
a tall, bright green hedge
a Photinia × Fraseri hedge with green and red leaves
a Photinia × Fraseri hedge with green and red leaves

Photinia × Fraseri

It is an evergreen and compact shrub that can grow into a medium-sized tree, that's why Photinia × fraseri shrubs are perfect for natural fencing and creating privacy in all four seasons. We found that the Shrub can tolerate moderate shade and grows best in well-drained soils. It should be sheltered from the cold and dry winds of winter.

green design
green design
green design
green design
green design
green design
Phyllostachys Aurea green bambus plant
Phyllostachys Aurea green bambus plant

Phyllostachys Aurea

Phyllostachys aurea commonly known as bamboo or golden bamboo, is a fast growing, cold hardy evergreen plant that grows up to 8m (26 ft) tall, perfect for stopping the eyeballs that are looking into your garden.

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green design
green design
green design
green design
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a evergreen Thuja Occidentalis high shrub for privacy
a evergreen Thuja Occidentalis high shrub for privacy

Thuja occidentalis

Often confused with a Cypress shrub, Thuja Occidentalisis is a conifer, which is native to eastern Canada and the north-central and northeastern United States. The conifer is used all over the world as an ornamental tree, particularly for screens and hedges, in gardens, parks, and cemeteries.

dark green design
dark green design
dark green design
dark green design
very tall grass plants in a garden
very tall grass plants in a garden

Cortaderia Selloana

Cortaderia Selloana is a flowering type of grass plant that is commonly known as pampas grass. The The fast growing privacy bush plant is invasive in mild winter areas, especially in the USA. Overall this plant is great for creating privacy in your yard because it is dense and grows very high but you need to be careful because it is considered an invasive plant.

dark green design
dark green design
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many green pine needles of the English Yew
many green pine needles of the English Yew

English Yew

This type of deer resistant privacy bush conifer, also known as Yew, is often grown as a fencingshrub because it reaches a height of 10m to 15m (33–49 ft) and is also considered to be low maintenance and great for landscaping. The bush is compact and high, which makes it a good natural fencing plant for all four seasons.

dark green design
dark green design
dark green design
dark green design
a tall Prunus Laurocerasus with green leaves in a grden
a tall Prunus Laurocerasus with green leaves in a grden

Prunus Laurocerasus

This Bush is a widely cultivated ornamental plant, used for planting in gardens and parks in temperate regions worldwide. It is often used for hedges, as a screening plant, and as a landscape plant. These shrubs can withstand difficult growing conditions, including shaded and dry conditions, and respond well to pruning making them one of the best tall garden plants to grow.

dark green design
dark green design
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a green bush with many leaves
a green bush with many leaves

Cephalanthus Occidentalis

Simple and green, this shrub that is scientifically called Cephalanthus Occidentalis or commonly known as Common buttonbush, can reach up to 6m (19.6 ft) but normally grows up to 1–3 m (3.3–9.8 ft). With round white flowers, this bush is also considered a honey plant which fits well into butterfly gardens.

dark green design
dark green design
dark green design
dark green design
a high boxwood shrub with small green leaves
a high boxwood shrub with small green leaves

Lonicera Ligustrina

Lonicera Ligustrinas are semi-evergreen privacy bushes that are very dense but do not grow as tall as the Photinia × Fraseris or the Cortaderia Selloana but can also be used for the natural fencing in your yard of in front of your house.

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green design
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green design


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  1. Photinia × fraseri: Photinia × fraseri - Wikipedia

  2. Prunus laurocerasus: Prunus laurocerasus 'Schipkaensis' | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox (

  3. Eglish Yew: English yew | Evergreen, Coniferous, Taxus baccata | Britannica

  4. Bamboo: Bamboo - Wikipedia

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Calin Oancea
Calin Oancea
Green Box
Green Box

Article By:

Calin is in the garden industry for 5 years now and knows a lot about gardening and plants. He is the owner of this website and responsible for most of the content.