Interesting Alpine Flowers You Need to Know About
The Alpine Regions are very cold ecosystems even in the summer months it can snow. We found that these Alpine flowers are interesting because they are way more resistant to low temperatures, rain, and strong winds.
That's why in this article we will share the top five Alpine flowers we found in the alpine regions of Switzerland mountains with images, names and identification.

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The Tufted Vetch is an Alpine flower that grows in the Alpine Weeds of the Alpine Regions, Northern Europe, Canada and colder regions of the USA. You will immediately notice this plant in the wet grass landscape because of its amazing purple flowers.
Tufted Vetch

These pink flowers named Alpine Tistles are very commonly found in the summertime between June and July like most Alpine and Himalayan Flowers.
This variation of flowering thistle has adapted to the Alpine areas of the Alps, they can endure low temperatures down to ca. 3°C (37°F) and many gardeners use more convenient varieties for garden borders, especially for cottage garden borders.
(Alpine) Tistle

Almost exactly like the Tistles, Pale Clovers are small flowers that are stable, blooming around July and growing only in the Alpine regions of the Alps. You can also find this plant in colder regions of the UK or New Zealand.
The weeds with white flowers have been used for centuries as additives to salads and other meals consisting of leafy vegetables.
Pale Clover

The pink Fireweed is a wild bush flower that can be identified easily due to its look and endures low temperatures and strong winds, but different from the other Alpine flowers, it also grows in warm regions like Spain and southern regions of North America.

This Alpine flower is called the Bearded Bellflower and is from the species Campanula Barbata L. It is very common in the Alpine Alps and similar to the Alpine Tistle and the Pale Clover, this alpine flower is small and resistant.
Bearded Bellflower

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Tufted Vetch: Tufted vetch | The Wildlife Trusts
Alpine Thistle: Cicerbita alpina - Wikipedia
Pale Clover (White Clover): How to Grow and Care for White Clover (, Trifolium repens - Wikipedia
Fireweed: Fireweed (
Bearded Bellflower: Campanula barbata - Wikipedia
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Calin is in the garden industry for 5 years now and knows a lot about gardening and plants. He is the owner of this website and responsible for most of the content.