8 Inspiring Japanese Cactus Plants For Your Garden

By Calin Oancea

4/19/20245 min read

Japanese cactus plants are some of the most interesting cactus plants in the world, they are unique and bring a touch of exotic to your garden.

In this helpful, actionable and to-the-point article we will go through the overall best japanese cacti whether native or just growing in Japan in multiple examples. We will also go through their blooms, growing tips and interesting features of the cacti which we have seen and carefully inspected.

green design
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green design
a lot of small cacti with white flowers
a lot of small cacti with white flowers
green design
green design
a Japanese succulent catus that is called Zebra Cactus
a Japanese succulent catus that is called Zebra Cactus

Zebra Cactus

The Zebra Cactus which also grows in Japan reaches a height of 15 cm (6 in), is a delightful small cactus with dark green, striped leaves. It prefers partial shade and well-draining soil. Its modest size and striking leaf patterns make it a beloved choice among enthusiasts of Japanese cacti.

green design
green design
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Star Cactus, a small flowering cactus
Star Cactus, a small flowering cactus

Star Cactus

This ridiculous, small, and flowering cactus plant is known for its star-shaped form and bright yellow, red, and white flowers. The native American cactus is a slow grower, but its unique shape and wonderful blooms make it worth growing as an outside cactus in your garden or as an indoor cactus in your home.

dark green design
dark green design
dark green design
dark green design
Japanese Christmas Cactus that is flowering
Japanese Christmas Cactus that is flowering

Christmas Cactus

The Christmas Cactus thrives in cool, humid environments. When winter arrives, it celebrates the season with an explosion of stunning, tubular cactus flowers in shades of pink, red, white, or purple. Its drooping branches make it an attractive addition to hanging baskets and the flowering cactus plant is also popular for its ease of care.

dark green design
dark green design
dark green design
dark green design
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dark green design
the Japan native Artichoke Cactus
the Japan native Artichoke Cactus

Artichoke Cactus

The Artichoke Cactus, representing an artichoke, grows to a modest 10 cm (4 in) in height. Native to Japan, it is best to grow this cactus in well-draining soil under full sun or partial shade. The Artichoke Cactus embodies the simplicity characteristic of Japanese garden design while being considered a low maintenance succulent cactus.

dark green design
dark green design
dark green design
dark green design
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multiple Easter Lily Cacti growing on the ground
multiple Easter Lily Cacti growing on the ground

Easter Lily Cactus

The Easter Lily Cactus is not native to Japan but thrives well in Japanese gardens. Growing up to 60 cm (24 in), this cactus blooms large, fragrant, white flowers. Like many Japanese cacti, it prefers sunny locations and well-draining soil. Its ease of growth and stunning blooms make it a popular choice among gardeners.

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Fishbone Cactus

A night-bloomer with an interesting appeal, Selenicereus anthonyanus, known as Fishbone Cactus, exhibits a zig-zag pattern in its stems. It has a relatively tiny cactus structure and its nightblooming cactus blooms are a wonderful nocturnal event. The geometry of its form adds a tropical and exotic vibe to your garden during the day while blooming with big white-purple blooms at night.

also native Japan Fishbone Cactus
also native Japan Fishbone Cactus
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a Ball Catus growing in a stony lanscape
a Ball Catus growing in a stony lanscape

Ball Cactus

The Ball Cactus, though not native, finds a place in Japan as a garden or interior cactus with its spherical form growing to 15 cm (6 in) in height. It bears bright yellow flowers that contrast beautifully against its small green cactus body. Thriving in well-draining soil and sunny spots.

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Japanese green Mistloe Cactus in a pod
Japanese green Mistloe Cactus in a pod

Mistletoe Cactus

This Japanese succulent named Mistletoe, often used as an indoor cactus with its unique stems, adds a touch of whimsy to Japanese gardens. It grows to a length of 90 cm (36 in), thriving in partial shade with well-draining, organic-rich soil. Its tiny white flowers contrast amazingly with the green plant, reflecting the balance seen in cacti.

dark green design
dark green design
dark green design
dark green design
dark green design
dark green design
Calin Oancea
Calin Oancea
Green Box
Green Box

Article By:

Calin has been in the garden industry for 5 years and knows a lot about gardening and plants. He owns this website and is responsible for most of the content.