The Best Way to Grow and Care for Dill in Containers
It is best to grow dill in containers with well-drained soil, consistent watering, much sunlight, and minimal fertilization for the best possible growth of your dill container herbs.

Choosing the Right Container for Growing Dill in Garden Beds
We have experienced that garden beds that are at least 30 cm (12 inches) deep are the best, because dill plants have long roots, similar to carrots grown in garden beds. Also make sure they have good drainage to prevent waterlogged soil, which can harm the plant which is a serious issue.
Perfect Soil and Optimal Planting
Use a high-quality, well-draining potting mix. Plant dill seeds directly into the container, sowing them 0.6 cm (a quarter-inch) deep.
When growing herbs from seeds you need to know that dill enjoys plenty of sunlight, so place your container in a spot that receives at least six to eight hours of sunlight daily. When we grow dill we always do that because for us it gets the best results.

Watering Dill in Containers
Proper plant watering which is a big part of the maintenance is key to successful dill growth. Our experiments clearly show that the herb prefers consistent moisture but doesn’t fare well in soggy soil.
Water your dill when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch. Aim to keep the soil evenly moist, especially during dry spells or hot weather.
Expert Tip: The water will dry out slower and the plant will have more protection against peak temperatures if you spread mulch (about 3 cm).
Caring for Dill in Containers
Place your garden bed in a location that receives at least six hours of sunlight daily.
Dill doesn't require frequent fertilization, but a light application of a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer can be beneficial, especially in poor soils.
Regularly check for dill pests and remove any wilted or spent foliage to keep the plant healthy and encourage new growth.

You can start harvesting dill leaves as soon as they are large enough to use. Regular harvesting encourages more growth. For seeds, wait until the flowers have matured and turned brown.
Does Dill Come Back Every Year?
No, dill is an annual plant, meaning it typically completes its life cycle in one growing season. However this useful herb can self-seed, so new plants may grow the following year if seeds are allowed to fall.
Does Dill Grow Well in Containers?
Yes, dill grows exceptionally well in containers similar to garden bed growing beetroot, making it perfect for small gardens or balconies. It's important to choose a deep enough container and provide a lot of sunlight and water.

Nature and Sustainability uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies to support the facts we describe in our articles. Please read our editorial policy to learn more about how we keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
Dill facts and general information: Dill, Anethum graveolens – Wisconsin Horticulture, Dill | Description, Plant, Herb, Leaves, Seeds, Dried, & Facts | Britannica, Dill | University of Maryland Extension (
Harvesting and storing dill: How To Harvest Dill And Store It For Later - Epic Gardening
Watering, growing and caring: How to Grow and Care for Dill (
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